Yunmai Smart Scale review and unboxing - Smart Body Fat & Composition Monitor scale
I am very impressed with their friendly great customer service. They provide excellent support and respond promptly and offer immediately exchange or return if you do not like the scale. There is no risk to try this awesome product.
Before purchasing my first smart scale, I had a few bathroom scales without the function of body fat, body mass and so on. I like those scales, and they worked well as I expected. From 2 years ago, I started realizing that monitoring weight was not sufficient for a healthy life. At that time, there were some body fat scales available on the market. Some of them are sold at price from 60-90 without App, and other Apps ones were sold at a way higher price than most people can afford. I purchased my Fitbit smart scale 2 years ago from Bestbuy at around $130. To my surprise, Fitbit is still selling exactly the same one as of today. I did not have a good experience with the Fitbit Scale for a few reasons, I decided to buy a new one to replace Fitbit.
Yunmai caught my attention when I was searching for a smart scale on the market, and $49.95 price was really attractive. I did some research comparing Yunmai with Fitbit, Eatsmart, and Greater Goods. After a comprehensive comparison, I decided to go to Yunmai. I have been using it for 2 months, and I believe I made the right choice.
1. Sleek design, looks like it comes from Apple
2. No set up needed
3. 10 body index measurement
4. Smart App
5. Excellent customer service
Sleek design: The pictures on the Amazon page cannot reflect the true beauty of this product, and I was impressed when I first received it. The packing was well-done, they used the recycle material to pack this scale, and everything was neat and "green". When I opened this box, I love the color, which is same as with iphone color. The Scale is very well built, shining and solid. The design is beyond what I can expect for a $50 scale, and this looks much better than the Fitbit. It is weird that Fitbit is selling at 2-3 times higher price than Yunmai. I would give yunmai 95/100 of what they have done to the industrial design and packing.
No set-up Needed: Fitbit uses Wifi to connect Scale with the APP, and I hate to bother the internet, definitely a headache for me. I spent roughly 2 hours to set it up, and called them a few times when I got problems. Fitbit has released their new version of trackers many times, but not the scales. Yunmai uses Bluetooth to connect with iphone. Before I received the scale, I already had the Yunmai software installed and registered. I just need to turn on the Bluetooth, and it automaticall connected with the Scale, nothing else needed. I stepped on the scale, and App showed all the data. This is amazing, I would give Yunmai 100/100.
8-10 body index measurement: This is one of the main reasons that encouraged me to go to Yunmai instead of Eatsmart, Greater Goods. Yunmai can measure up to 10 body index like body fat, BMI, Water percentage, Bone, body age, and so on, while the other brands can measure only weight and body fat. I know my weight well, and Yunmai gives me a constant reading when I weigh myself repeatedly. The body fat I got from Yunmai is close enough to what I got from gym. I am not sure about the other data, but at least these 2 data is accurate enough. I guess different brands use different method to roughly estimate the body fat, BMI and so so. With $50 price tag, I do not expect it to be as accurate as the equipment in my doctor's office. I would like to give Yunmai 95/100 for their accuracy.
Smart APP: The app can sync with apple health, which can show all weighing record, all body measurements and run chart. I am overall very happy with the APP. Just like the scale, the APP looks sleek and fashion. I guess they had spent a lot of time to develop such an APP. Connecting speed is fast, data transferring has no problem. App can store as much data as I need. The only thing I can complain is that the font of some letters are small, and they told me that they are now updating the APP. I will give Yunmai 90/100 for the App.
Customer Service: I roughly received 3 emails after the purchase. They sent the first email to let me know the delivery time of my order, and asked me to download the App if I have time. The second email after I received it a few days, they followed up to see if I had any problem with it. Then 2 weeks later, they sent another email and ask me if I can write a review, and I am more than happy to do so. These emails did not bother me, and I felt confidence about my purchase, and I know who I can turn to when I have a problem. I can give 95/100 for their customer service.
No product is perfect, while I am very happy with this product, it does have some cons:
1. Some font in App is small: It is not small for most people, but I am weak-eyed. So, I just hope the font is big enough to read from a distance. I complained to them about it, and they told me they are updating the App.
2. The instruction manual is not comprehensive: This is quite like iphone, it comes with a brief Manual. I believe most people can use it without any problem because it does not need any effort to set up; However, if you are having some uncommon situation, you definitely need a more comprehensive material to refer to. I think they need to prepare a detailed guideline for everyone to use.
Overall, I give Yunmai 95/100. I would definitely recommend this product to my friend and family. This is a good choice if you are looking for a smart scale. If you are looking for a bathroom scale, you can also consider it: it is just 20 bucks more, but it can change the way you live.
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